Latest Movie OUT NOW!

You’ve seen the previews now get the movie!

It’s available for single purchase on and deviantArt. Members can get it via Patreon, deviantArt and SubscribeStar!

Thank you so much for you support in any form, paid or not!


Find Ready! Patreon (memberships) · DeviantArt (memberships) · Main Site (free art!) ·SubscribeStar ·

Two more free PDF Downloads for EVERYONE!

Are you signed up? It’s FREE PEOPLE! Come on now, it doesn’t get better than that!

Sign up and CLICK BELOW to download Growth Lab 42 and 43. While you are at it go browse the FREE comic galleries for nearly 60 comics available right now.

LOVE YOU ALL! Please consider supporting your old pal ready with a purchase on my stores or possibly a membership! EVERY cent goes right back to making you comics!


FREE COMICS (sign in to download, it’s FREE)

Galleries Working Again

Latest fix is implemented and all galleries should work! If you have an issue use the contact button and I will check into it!



Looking into Gallery issues

Looks like there is an issue with some galleries not loading images and getting stuck in some sort of endless load.

Checking it right now and should have a fix up soon!


New Comic and REWARD for supporters!

Growth Lab 58 is in the free member gallery now!

Growth Lab 61 is in the Patreon gallery.

New way to see the Patreon Gallery FOREVER! You want something free? YOU GOT IT!

I have adjusted my main site Patreon gallery and now every single person who EVER subscribed to my Patreon can get access to my Patreon comics gallery. This is the place I put my current patron only comics (which eventually go free after 4-6 months).

Everyone reading this should have access to the gallery with their Patreon login – see below for how to do it!

It’s my way to thank everyone of you for your support and give you a little something extra.

I’m always looking to bring YOU more benefits and I like to think we have gained more goodies over the year for each tier.

If you haven’t already checked it out – GO ON! It’s FREE for you and thank you for your support!

If you have any problems comment here or message me and I will get your sorted. 


Find Ready! DeviantArt (memberships) / Patreon (movies & comics) / Main Site (free art!) / Gumroad / / Discord / SubscribeStar

Ready Art Discord: Free Movies, Art and Streaming

More ways to see my FREE movies and watch me DRAW!

OK, your old pal Ready has you COVERED if you want to check out all my PUBLIC movies on Discord. I just uploaded over four years worth of UNCENSORED and UNEDITED movies you can watch RIGHT now on my Discord. You know what? The Discord movie player is not too shabby either!

Join the Discord! (18+ only please!)

Everyone reading this already has via this permanent invite…

Ready Art Discord:

Want MORE of my latest movies?

Well, if you would be so kind you can subscribe right here on deviantArt! I have all my latest movies here for members as well as ALL my comics and exclusive art!

Ready Art Draw Streams (with my rambling voice over)

I am dipping my toes back into streaming my art again and I have started with some Discord sessions. Right now it’s a nice option for me and if you are interested get on over to my Discord. There’s not schedule at the moment but I expect I will be on this weekend. As things get settled down I might start making formal announcements about when I’m on.

Come on folks! Who’s making sure you get the most art and the best value? YOUR PAL READY that’s who. I know times are tough and I can’t thank you enough for your support. I’m here to give you MORE than your money’s worth.



Subscribing to the VIP Animation Tier here (or any of my sites) gets you over TEN hours of Transformation movies IMMEDIATELY!

  • Movies have sound, dialog, SFX and music, recent movies are fully voice acted.
  • Access to ALL my transformation comics (over 60!) including all my recent full color comics.
  • Over 100 animated GIF previews of various BE/GTS/FMG growth movie snippets
  • Bonus art and animation every month as I work
  • Discord access
  • Your support, paid or not, is appreciated. It’s thanks to friends and fans like yourself I can keep making art and animation.

Find Ready! DeviantArt (memberships) / Patreon (movies & comics) / Main Site (free art!) / Gumroad / / Discord / SubscribeStar

 Secret Growth Fighters animated movie! (read here!)


Secret Growth Fighters as a movie (maybe series of movies)!

Long version

When I posted the cover the other day, I was excited about the idea of the comic and still am. I started getting direct messages and posts asking if this was going to make a movie. To be honest, I hadn’t thought about it when I was making the poster but it makes a lot of sense.

So I’m thinking of making NEXT month (June) the SECRET GROWTH FIGHTERS movie month with me diving into making a movie (perhaps a series) with all these random ladies pulled together into an epic transformation battle. Lots of new characters (and yes, random people!)

Personally, I consider this movie “happening” based on what I am seeing. A few of you might ALREADY be thinking that was the case – well, this will confirm it! haha

My thinking is the Animation Tiers are the backbone of the my memberships. I know MANY people are here for comics and some might be using the Animation Tiers to support your old pal Ready at a higher rate. Overall – I want to be bringing my best to everyone.

Some notes!

  • June would have the first (beginning?) episode of the SGF series.
  • I spoke with my VO friends and they are down with helping out. This would be FULLY VOICE ACTED.
  • I’d pick characters to be front and center this month and give them awesome transformation sequences (no final picks decided yet)
  • Character focus would shift to keep bringing in more new characters, teams and scenarios
  • There will be (fun) battling!
  • The idea would be to bring you a bunch of awesome art you don’t normally see
  • WIPs and previews would happen as normal.
  • There would be a movie release at the end of the month.
  • I am considering when this wraps about making it into a jumbo movie with all parts from all the months. (don’t hold me to that until I do more research! haha)
  • I’d focus this month on the setup of the idea with the story taking 3 months or more to tell with all the characters. Don’t worry – every month will have action!
  • The main focus would be new characters outside the main GLab Universe (GLab ladies might make an appearance) Beyond that this is a fun fan film!
  • Current GLab movie lines would be dealt with later via movies or comics
  • I would still be working on comics as this happens.
  • I still imagine doing GLab themed movies! They haven’t disappeared forever!!!
  • There’s more but those are off the top of my head.

This will be a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


May 2024 Movie – Jumbo Jet

Breast Expansion, Giantess, Female Muscle Growth and more – ON A PLANE! Vivian and Hannah are among the ones onboard the flight. Don’t worry folks – everyone will be OK in the end even if they aren’t the size they started at.

Crazy times ahead this month so stay tuned for previews coming your way.



Find Ready! DeviantArt (memberships) / Patreon (movies & comics) / Main Site (free art!) / Gumroad / / Discord / SubscribeStar

2023.04.25 Ready’s Ramblings Episode 046

I’m pretty sure I posted this video before but it’s my go-to when I need a reminder of what humanity is. Yup, this is us folks, we’re goofy at our core and most of us just want to have fun. We do it in different ways but we all can laugh.

I like to believe there’s always a way back from a setback or a downturn. Sometimes WE are the way back for someone else! We have the ability to lift up our fellows when they fall. Your old pal Ready has fallen many a time and benefitted from a kind soul helping him get his footing back.

I hope each person reading this is honestly having the best day of their lives. That’s my wish for everyone, everyday. The world is an awesome place if you look for the good.

A few weeks back I watched the a full solar eclipse. When it happened the sky went dark, street lights turned on and the area went totally still. During those few minutes you could see this fiery ring all around the black dot of the moon. The sun’s flames were RIDICULOUSLY huge too – waving and sputtering around the edges. It was incredible. What was also incredible was all the people around me were exclaiming and commenting. It was a moment of togetherness sharing something beautiful.

You can do this exact thing without a solar eclipse. You can wave to someone new. Say hi to a stranger or just pass a little kindness to a friend when you can. Little steps folks, that’s how we all improve.

Don’t wait for the next solar eclipse – YOU BE THE MAGIC!

Love you all and talk with you soon!


Growth Lab 60 out now!

In the Patreon section for online reading and download the PDF too if you like.

If you want access to the PDF you can check out my links below for where to grab it!

Growth Lab 60 here:

Ready Art Zone Gallery

Ready Art Zone Download

Patreon – Comics Subscribers Tier


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Permanent Discord Invite