Database cleanup, new SPAM protection and (maybe?) faster site now!

** Evening Update ** Wow – I have been checking the site since the adjustments and it seems MUCH faster now. Hopefully everyone can see the change. Comics reading is a breeze now!

OK folks had a big cleanup of SPAM users and implemented a few new safeguards for the site. The general hope is things are much faster all around for EVERYONE!

If you have any issues with your account please email me IMMEDIATELY at granitelog @ hotmail . com (remove spaces).

Our site’s been around over 14 years and we have tons of registered users and attracted many folks with less than honorable intentions. Thankfully things are safe, your data is safe. The main issue was the constant stream of BOT spam and fake registration.

I think it’s all dealt with for now but I will keep you posted. In the meanwhile, enjoy the site!



Growth Lab 66 and Growth Lab 62

If you are a member you can check out the final for GLab 66 and get the download.

Download right here (must be Patreon or member OR $12 lifetime donation to Patreon)

Download here:

Gallery here:

New in Member Gallery! GLab 66

New in Free Gallery! GLab 62

Purchase Issue 66 individually!

Issue 66 on

Purchase all my comics in one huge mega bundle for 20 bucks and help your old pal Ready bring YOU more art and animation!


[ My Social Sites ]

Patreon | deviantArt | SubscribeStar (membership and stores!)

Twitter | Discord | Main Site (posting and free art) 

Itch Store 

2024 End of Year Movie – Miss Demeanors OUT NOW!

This movie is out (6 minutes, 25 seconds long!) and available right here for members or for single purchase! Link below. Check out the PREVIEWS also for a look at scenes from the movie!!


CONTAINS: Breast expansion, giantess growth, female muscle growth, clothes ripping, shoe bursting, ass expansion and much more! Check out the previews linked below!


Patreon $5/month Tier

deviantArt $5/month Tier OR Single Purchase ($5)

SubscribeStar $5/month Tier $5 single purchase

I’ve also got a special on Patreon where you can sign up for my top Animation Tier for 40% and get EVERYTHING!

COME ON PEOPLE! Help me HELP YOU! We’re making magic and you are invited!


[ My Social Sites ]

Patreon | deviantArt | SubscribeStar (membership and stores!)

Twitter | Discord | Main Site (posting and free art) 

Itch Store 

VIP Animation Tier Special (till end of 2024)

Patreon link:

You can sign up for the VIP tier and use the code HOLIDAY2024 or just go to the front page of the Patreon to access the deal directly.

OK folks, let it be known your old pal Ready is working to bring you the best value possible each and every month.

From now till the end of the year you can sign up for your first month on the VIP tier for 40% off. That means for your FIRST MONTH you pay not TEN but SIX BUCKS. That’s one dollar over the Movie of the Month rate and you get access to everything for your six bucks!

Hey Ready, what if I am already a VIP subscriber?!?

Good question, my loyal fan. I think if you are dipping in and out you can re-up for the $6 a month before December 31st. If you are a yearly subscriber or don’t do a lot of dropping in and out this might not affect you too much. I can tell you I am always looking for ways to get you fun extras and bonuses and we will do more!

Hey Ready can I upgrade from Monthly Comics or Movie of the Month for a month to take advantage?

I believe you can my good friend. I do not know the particulars but I think you can take advantage by waiting till the end of a current subscription at the Comic or Movie of the Month tier and they re-join to get the discount.

Ready, what if I can’t do any of the above? Will you be doing this again?

YES! I don’t have an ETA when I will repeat this but my plan is always to keep bringing you more art, animation and specials! I will be running more down the line!

How long does this special run Ready?

I have set it to run till December31st!

This is a new ability Patreon just gave me and I am passing it on to you right away!

I’m doing my best to drop you all the goodies I can! Just know I want you to get the MAXIMUM VALUE. You support me and I bring you the best art I can for the best value I can offer.

Who’s awesome? YOU ARE!

Love you all and if you have any questions – drop me a message or comment below!


All my friends and fans on this site – FREE COMIC right here – Growth Lab 64, GET IT!

Hey, I want to personally thank everyone who comes to this site for comics, movies and news. I have not forgotten you or your support! I APPRECIATE YOU!

Get a FREE comic and other goodies RIGHT NOW, right here on this page. You do have to be registered (it’s FREE) and logged in!

GLab 64 is my latest comic, it’s 36 pages of black and white art PLUS a 20 page sketchbook. Get it all right below and remember…. who loves you, this guy RIGHT HERE!


Hit the download button and GO!

Bonus FREE Stuff for my AWESOME friends and fans!

Find Ready! DeviantArt (memberships) · Patreon (movies & comics) · Main Site (free art!) ·SubscribeStar · · DISCORD (free art and movies)

Growth Lab Issue 63 – Detention in Member Gallery and downloads!

If you are a member you can check out the final for GLab 63 and get the download.

Download right here (must be Patreon or member OR $12 lifetime donation to Patreon)

Download here:

Gallery here:

[ My Social Sites ]

Patreon | deviantArt | SubscribeStar (membership and stores!)

Twitter | Discord | Main Site (posting and free art) 

Itch Store 

Lock in a copy of Miss Demeanors NOW (even if you have to dip off your membership!)

READ EVERYTHING BEFORE COMMENTING! This mostly is for my Animation Tiers but I want to put it out there to all my kind supporters!

Folks, I thought a lot about this and here’s the situation:

  • Miss Demeanors is our current movie.
  • This movie will take 2-3 months to complete due to the amped up animation workload
  • I realize some people might end up coming and going during that time and NOT get the movie since they may not be subscribed during release month
  • THAT SAID – I aim to give my supporters the BEST VALUE POSSIBLE and I’ve an idea how the above people can get a copy!
  • READ ON!!!

First, I want to be clear – the movie will show up on all my membership sites AS USUAL on release! That will not change. What I’m talking about is for those who might only be around for one or two months during the three month development and might still want a copy. Normally that’s a bit of tough luck but I think I have a workaround that involves Please realize I’m doing my best and working with the tools I have. I don’t take your support or money lightly.

IMPORTANT NOTE – this offer is really geared for the people dipping in and out over the next few months in the Animation Tiers (Movie of the Month and VIP) AND who might want access to the NEXT movie – Miss Demeanors!

OK here we go with the situations and solutions:

  • Situation 1 – You are a CURRENT Movie of the Month or VIP subscriber and might not be subscribed to any of my membership sites when Miss Demeanors releases – THIS POST IS FOR YOU!
  • Situation 2 – You are a CONSTANT Movie of the Month or VIP subscriber and plan to keep it that way – this idea won’t affect you much but it’s there if you want it. This post can help you secure an copy just in case.
  • Situation 3 – You’re just a generous soul who likes to support your old pal Ready and don’t care about the movie. THANK YOU but feel free to get a copy regardless.

Solution – PATREON MEMBERS – this is simple. Go to this link and you can immediately get a “pre-order” of the movie on Itch.

  • Remember – if you are subscribed during release you will get the movie normally through Patreon!
  • You will need to be a CURRENT VIP or Movie of the Month Subscriber for the linking to work (it’s all handled by Itch folks)

Solution for SubscribeStar and deviantArt members

  • Remember – if you are subscribed during release you will get the movie normally through SubscribeStar or deviantArt!
  • You will have to message me via SubscribeStar or deviantArt. From there I can verify your membership and send you a key. I do wish this was easier but sadly there is no way to link SubscribeStar or deviantArt to Itch to do this.
  • To be clear – the movie will release here as usual when it’s done. This offer is mostly for people coming and going!


  • This offer is good from now TILL MOVIE RELEASE! When the movie is out we will revert to the normal distribution method.
  • I am looking at adopting this policy for all future “big” projects.
  • If you are a constant subscriber or plan to join when the movie releases this offer won’t be that big a deal since you will get the movie through the membership site.
  • Currently this offer is only open to Animation Tier members but if there is interest from folk who might want to support with purchasing an early copy via Itch I can look into that.
  • I do have a similar offer going on my other membership sites
  • Folks, I am workshopping this idea so BEAR WITH ME! if you have any issues – post a comment or message me.
  • This is really my way of giving YOU the best value I can. I know I would appreciate this offer if I was subscribing to a multi month project so HERE YOU GO! LOVE YOU!

Sound good? Comments or questions welcome!


[ My Social Sites ]

Patreon | deviantArt | SubscribeStar (membership and stores!)

Twitter | Discord | Main Site (posting and free art) 

Itch Store 

New Patreon Gallery Comic, GLab 63 Detention – WORK IN PROGRESS

Right here:

An early look at the progress for Growth Lab 63 is in the members/ patrons gallery, It’s and early look but I’m making it available for all my friends and fans here.

No ETA on the final but enjoy if you like!



[ My Social Sites ]

Patreon | deviantArt | SubscribeStar (membership and stores!)

Twitter | Discord | Main Site (posting and free art) 

Itch Store 

Widget Links work (again!)

Well, we had a LONG run where these were not linking but recent updates and adjustments to the gallery program have the top ten and recent comments widgets NOW WITH WORKING LINKS!

Click on any image in the widget and go straight to the photo!

ENJOY and love you all!


Latest Movie out now!

Get it at any of the location below! LOVE YOU ALL and thank you for your support!

Three comics for EVERYONE!

Grab them now while they’re up! Download the PDF below (you need to be logged in! Signup is FREE)

Public Movies Updated!

Hey all and THANK YOU for your support! Paid or now – I appreciate you!

I just updated the public movies section. We are now only SIX months behind the Membership sites thanks to your support and all my friends and fans. Previously we were one year behind the memberships but look how far we have come. I am hoping to reduce that gap even further as we gain more members.

Head over here to see the latest updates and scroll through HOURS of movies in the seven movie sections all the way up to February of 2024!

Public Animated Movies here:

New ideas coming for the animated movies! Check it out!

OK, this is all very high level talk but I’m putting together a plan for the next few months and wanted to share it with everyone. This plan is based on things I’ve wanted to do (make longer animations at a higher quality) and my talks with the Animation Tiers. Let’s see the bullet points and then I will talk more about it.

Just t be clear this would all be starting with October 2024! September will happen as usual and NEXT MONTH we will start rolling with the new stuff.


  • Create a multi-month movie with higher production values (better/longer transformations, more action, more transformation types that people enjoy, etc)
  • Continue to deliver MONTHLY animation progress in the form of previews, WIPs and the like. This would mean there are still full color, voices animations coming out regularly during the month as they do now.
  • Give people who enjoy different type of transformations (FMG, Giantess, breast expansion and the varieties within) a focus in this type of movie.
  • Bring YOU the best transformation animations I can at the best value possible.

I think everyone might like this. The idea is we get a longer and more ‘produced’ movie with better and more detailed scenes than normal. What does that mean exactly and what does the extra time get us the normal month schedule doesn’t? Read on…

What I mean by more production

  • More and better transformations! This would be the main benefit. Things like longer, more elaborate scenes become more doable.
  • I can plan more. On a monthly schedule I normally pick shots and ideas doable in the shorter time frame. Long transformations and lots of effects aren’t as easy and normally get passed up due to time constraints.
  • Possibly more characters. This is another knock on effect of making a monthly movie. There generally tend to be less characters
  • Better VFX – I will look at adding more to the VFX and SFX as well. Maybe things like more elaborate backgrounds and more interaction between characters and their backgrounds. There are a lot of possibilities.

Animation Tiers

These tiers will be the groups I go to for questions and polls. They will help decide things like characters, transformations and the focus. I consider the animation tiers the backbone of the memberships and they will help me make awesome movies.

Comic Tiers

WE WILL STILL GET COMICS and pin ups and one off art! I love doing these and it’s a nice break from the animations.

Monthly Rewards

There will still be REGULAR MONTHLY movie previews and animations. These will be color and have VO and effects. Basically, I will be keeping people updated as we go forward.

ETA for new project

I’m thinking at least two months but maybe three. This will be the first movie like this and I will use the production of this one to along with feedback from the animation tiers to plan future ones.

Quick Production notes for this upcoming movie

  • It will have Breast expansion (of course!)
  • Giantess action
  • Female Muscle Growth
  • Lots of clothes ripping with underwear, shoes, bras and more.
  • Close up and long shots of the growth
  • At least two main ladies and one of those ladies will be FMG focused
  • Longer transformations
  • Full color, VO and all the other niceties we have now.
  • Sex scenes planned (but we will vote on specifics!)
  • If I had to sum it up – expect more elaborate transformations which will only get better over time. At this point I am running up against time limits with the one month deadline and if we want to see another jump in quality this is likely the best way to get it.

OK – lots to digest but I hope you like what you are reading. Comments and questions welcome from all.



Gloria Movie Poster – Breast Expansion and more!

You know, people seemed to like the new character of Gloria and I like her as well. So here we go!

One character with lots of transformation focused on her! Nothing else changed! Gloria is going to get big and have a little stroll into town. Expect a fun giantess transformation, breast expansion as well as all the other things I love to do (clothes ripping, etc)

I am working to make this one GREAT! I want YOU to love this one and I promise I will work to bring you my best effort.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT and stay awesome!


Find Ready! Patreon (memberships) · DeviantArt (memberships) · Main Site (free art!) ·SubscribeStar ·

Latest Movie OUT NOW!

You’ve seen the previews now get the movie!

It’s available for single purchase on and deviantArt. Members can get it via Patreon, deviantArt and SubscribeStar!

Thank you so much for you support in any form, paid or not!


Find Ready! Patreon (memberships) · DeviantArt (memberships) · Main Site (free art!) ·SubscribeStar ·

Two more free PDF Downloads for EVERYONE!

Are you signed up? It’s FREE PEOPLE! Come on now, it doesn’t get better than that!

Sign up and CLICK BELOW to download Growth Lab 42 and 43. While you are at it go browse the FREE comic galleries for nearly 60 comics available right now.

LOVE YOU ALL! Please consider supporting your old pal ready with a purchase on my stores or possibly a membership! EVERY cent goes right back to making you comics!


FREE COMICS (sign in to download, it’s FREE)