Secret Growth Fighters animated movie! (read here!)


Secret Growth Fighters as a movie (maybe series of movies)!

Long version

When I posted the cover the other day, I was excited about the idea of the comic and still am. I started getting direct messages and posts asking if this was going to make a movie. To be honest, I hadn’t thought about it when I was making the poster but it makes a lot of sense.

So I’m thinking of making NEXT month (June) the SECRET GROWTH FIGHTERS movie month with me diving into making a movie (perhaps a series) with all these random ladies pulled together into an epic transformation battle. Lots of new characters (and yes, random people!)

Personally, I consider this movie “happening” based on what I am seeing. A few of you might ALREADY be thinking that was the case – well, this will confirm it! haha

My thinking is the Animation Tiers are the backbone of the my memberships. I know MANY people are here for comics and some might be using the Animation Tiers to support your old pal Ready at a higher rate. Overall – I want to be bringing my best to everyone.

Some notes!

  • June would have the first (beginning?) episode of the SGF series.
  • I spoke with my VO friends and they are down with helping out. This would be FULLY VOICE ACTED.
  • I’d pick characters to be front and center this month and give them awesome transformation sequences (no final picks decided yet)
  • Character focus would shift to keep bringing in more new characters, teams and scenarios
  • There will be (fun) battling!
  • The idea would be to bring you a bunch of awesome art you don’t normally see
  • WIPs and previews would happen as normal.
  • There would be a movie release at the end of the month.
  • I am considering when this wraps about making it into a jumbo movie with all parts from all the months. (don’t hold me to that until I do more research! haha)
  • I’d focus this month on the setup of the idea with the story taking 3 months or more to tell with all the characters. Don’t worry – every month will have action!
  • The main focus would be new characters outside the main GLab Universe (GLab ladies might make an appearance) Beyond that this is a fun fan film!
  • Current GLab movie lines would be dealt with later via movies or comics
  • I would still be working on comics as this happens.
  • I still imagine doing GLab themed movies! They haven’t disappeared forever!!!
  • There’s more but those are off the top of my head.

This will be a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
