2022.01.19 A Messag...
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2022.01.19 A Message from Ready - A New(ish) Direction

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Ready Art
Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Hey all and thank you so much for being here and checking out the site. As you know there are nearly 6000 free art pages and lots of GIF animations to share with you here. It's all there at NO COST to you beyond a valid email address. 

Quick Updates

I am in the process of updating the galleries with higher resolution art. All of the Patreon galleries are done at this point and I am starting on the free ones. This is an ongoing process and will likely take a while but I wanted to put that out there for people who might be interested.  

Commenting and Photo Rating

I have disabled this in the main galleries. Commenting and ratings were rarely used and in the end, I wanted to try out a new thing in terms of gallery commenting. I have opened up a Q&A session in the forums where people can ask me specific questions about the galleries or make comments about the stories. For now the comments on individual photos will remain off and you can enjoy the art 'as-is' in the best format I can bring you.

Forums are open

I have reopened the forums on the main site and right off I want to say this is a bit of an experiment. 

They are in more focused format than before and are (at the moment) dedicated to bringing YOU news and updates about the site as well as answer direct questions about the art and stories. If things are smooth and there is interest, this might get expanded into more sub forums but for the moment. This is where things stand.

I am an ACTIVE Moderator

In the forums, on my Discord, main site and Patreon please know that I actively moderate the content posted. If you follow the site rules (here https://www.readyartzone.com/rules/ ) we should be good. Generally speaking - be civil and all will be great!

Your Support is ALWAYS appreciated

Paid or not, I am glad you are here and I hope to bring you more content as we continue.

Thank you and take care!


Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1

Hi, just joined your patreon!!!!!!! And DAMN your animations are HUGELY, LARGELY, MASSIVELY, GIGANTICALLY AWESOME & EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are doing GREAT, and thanks for the update!

Ready Art
Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Posted by: @baloth

Hi, just joined your patreon!!!!!!! And DAMN your animations are HUGELY, LARGELY, MASSIVELY, GIGANTICALLY AWESOME & EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are doing GREAT, and thanks for the update!

Thank you for that and the longtime support!!! Glad you enjoy the work and more to come!!
