2022.01.28 Gallery ...
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2022.01.28 Gallery News and Updates

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Ready Art
Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Hey all,

It's your old pal Ready here with (hopefully) BIG news about the site PLUS new art for both the FREE and Patreon galleries.

Free Gallery Updates

The Free Gallery has been getting regular updates throughout the year and that is about to go up a notch. You probably already know about the regular comic uploads but I just updated the Free Gallery with FOUR new Albums and hundreds of photos.

  • GL 00a - Growth Lab One Sheets in the Growth Lab Series Set
    • This is a collection of various one sheets I have done over the last three years about central (or interesting) characters from the Growth Lab series! There are over 30 sheets in there and they are all a fun look, I promise! haha
  • 2021 Releases in the Comic Previews - Color and more
  • 2020 Releases in the Comic Previews - Color and more
  • 2019 Releases in the Comic Previews - Color and more
    • The above three albums are various art and pages I've released on my Patreon and DeviantArt over the last three years. What you have here are the low(er) res versions of the art for your enjoyment. Of course, if you have an interest in the high res versions they are all on my Patreon and can be had for $1! (that's ALL of them for a buck)
  • All of it here (for FREE): https://www.readyartzone.com/member-gallery/

Ideally updates will continue with much more frequency during 2022. I will be working to keep the previews coming to you and my other friends and fans. As you might know - I love doing comics and art. I work hard on the animations each month and I still LOVE doing comic pages as well as color pieces.

Thank you to all the Free Members

Of course I TREMENDOUSLY appreciate my patron supporters but I want to also send a HUGE thank you the core group of people enjoying the site for free. THANK YOU! I made this site for you and I keep it going not just for myself but for all the friends and fans who want to enjoy my art. I deeply appreciate all the support everyone has given me and do my level best to keep bringing everyone more art all the time.

New Growth Lab Comics Schedule

Comics will be dropping into the free galleries at the rate of one full comic every 3-4 months. My hope is to get is all caught up to where I am with the art. For reference, I am drawing and finishing up issue #49 and we are at Issue #37 in the free gallery. If you have access to the Patreon gallery you can see ALL the current comics including all the ones in progress so there's that!

Patreon Galleries

I recently merged the basic patron gallery with my giant work in progress (Lifetime) gallery. The result is patrons have easy access to thousands of new and upcoming pages of comic art all the way up to Issue #49 of the Growth Lab series. Check it here if you have access: https://www.readyartzone.com/patreon/  

Forums are Open

Well, it's obvious but I have tentatively opened up the forums again. They were a fixture of the site in the early days and they sort of faded away after a while. There were a lot of reasons but one was limited use and a few bad faith users dropping in and disrupting otherwise civil conversations. For that reason the forums will stay in this new format and POSSIBLY open up after we see how things go. My hope is to have several more sub forums but it remains to be seen if that happens. 

Commenting and Rating on Photos 

This is also closed for the time being. The reason was explained in an earlier post but mostly it was due to lack of activity on those fronts. The old comments are still there technically but they are off for the moment. They might get flipped back on at some point and the alternative to them will be the "Questions for Ready" sub forum here.

Questions for Ready Sub Forum

This forum here /forum/questions-for-ready is intended to allow YOU to ask me questions about the comics, art or anything related to the work happening here on the site or Patreon. I will do my best to answer your questions. I, of course, reserve the right to not reveal and upcoming plot points or surprises. Other than that - ask away!

Lifetime Access to Patreon galleries for $12

I mention this in several posts but if any of you are former patrons who donated $12 or more over the lifetime of your Patronage to me then you automatically have lifetime access to my Patreon comic gallery and nearly 3000 plus pages of EXTRA art! Crazy right? Check out this post for more info: https://www.readyartzone.com/lifetimerewards/ Of course, a mere $1 monthly donation will get you access as well!

Ok - back to work for me on your latest and greatest. Remember there are always comics coming down the line and if you are interested I do a transformation movie EVERY month based in the Growth Lab Universe with tons of transformation action! 

Talk with you soon and THANK YOU for your support!

