2023.05.26 Ready's ...
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2023.05.26 Ready's Ramblings Episode 043

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Ready Art
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Joined: 13 years ago
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(Just a series of notes from me to you! Thank you!)

Friends, it your old pal Ready.

Wanted to drop you a quick line and I hope every single person reading this is having an awesome time right now!

I’ve been working on our latest animated movie and new comics. As I do, I can't help but think how grateful I am for you. I’m drawing art I enjoy and having so much fun doing it. You have helped me do that! Like so many things in life, success is achieved with the help of others. Your support, your encouragement and interest have  added to my success and I owe you for that. My end of our deal is to keep working my hardest and bringing you my best art.

Sometimes I poke my head up and check out the newsfeeds or bits from social media. At times it seems like everybody is frustrated or angry. At other times it seems like there are so many extreme opinions and very little middle ground being discussed. But then, I go out into my neighborhood, my local stores and start mingling with people face-to-face. And you know what? Almost every single time I encounter wonderful, thoughtful and funny people. I’m not saying every single person I’ve ever met is the most amazing person. I do find overall people are good. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, we live in an amazing world with people who genuinely do want to get along.

It can be hard at times to look for the good in a situation. It can be worth it though. The first step for me is always realizing I have so much to learn. I don’t know all the perfect paths through this world. I don’t always know the right things to say or do. But I find when I trust in the goodness of others and put forth a sincere and civil effort I tend to get positive results. 

I mention civility a lot and I feel that's one skill that will always reward you. I respect every one of you. Whether you’re paying me money or not I think everyone is entitled to their opinion on my work. That said, I do ask for civility when people are commenting or messaging me. And you know, it has helped me meet so many new people in this community. Many people who have reached out with thoughtful critiques have ended up being some of my best supporters and friends!

What does this all mean and how does this apply to this episode? Well, I heard once that the quickest way to get what you want is to help another person get what they want. Everybody wants love. Everybody could use a friend. And I don’t think there’s a single person doesn’t appreciate understanding and civility when being spoken with. If possible, be that change you want to see in the world. Show people your best side and more often than not they will show you theirs. Clearly this is a simple summary of a lot of complex ideas and you will need to process this as best you can into your life.

In the end though, we have our community here and I love you all. Thank you for reading this and know I’m out here do my best to bring you awesome art.

Take care, talk with you soon and I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!


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