August 2022 Ready A...
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August 2022 Ready Art Update

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Ready Art
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Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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As always, we need to kick off this update with a huge thank you to everyone. For every new person checking out my work, thank you so much. For all the returning friends and fans, it’s a huge deal to have you return. I aim to bring everyone new art and animation as often as I can.

Animation update

I’m working on your latest and greatest Patreon animation right now. We started a new preview style this month. It involves getting you more in each preview than before with sound and captions added. The idea is to bring you a better indication of what the final movie will look like. I hope you’re enjoying what you’re seeing. Personally, I like the new style a lot and I think it gives you more.

As for the animations, I’m doing a review of the production line I use. The idea is to increase efficiency and bring you more animation at a higher quality. Some of you may recall we used to do animations in black-and-white only. We made a switch to color and though that dropped the total animation minutes down I think it was a good trade-off because the quality jumped up so much. Even now I keep finding little tricks to help make our color animations look much better.

I’m always looking to improve and your feedback is always helpful. If you ever have anything you need to say you can message me directly or comment and I will do my best to respond.

Comics update

Comics continue at a solid pace this year. I expect to be uploading another PDF for you guys soon. When the next Patreon comic upload happens, we will have fulfilled this year’s total comic requirements. At the beginning of the year, I had hoped to make four PDF comics with hundreds of pages each. The next upload will be the fourth and I believe we will have over 1000 pages of comics released this year. I get that every page isn’t a masterpiece but I think that’s a pretty solid number of comics for your enjoyment.

Also, please check your downloads. Every single Patreon has access to 40 PDF comics right now! In additional if you want to see things for free there is my main gallery with thousands of comics for you right now.

Who do you want me to draw polls?

I’m looking to integrate monthly “who do you want me to draw” polls into the Patreon. I’m slowly easing into how it would work best for us. Ideally, we go through the process of you suggesting, then running a poll of your suggestions, and then me getting you a drawing - all in one month. I don’t want to make any hyperbolic promises at this point but I do think it’s possible that can happen in addition to what we already have.

Final thoughts

Thank you all again. I want you to know that my commitment is always to bring you my very best work. Even if people don’t want to or can’t support me with money, I will always have free work available to enjoy. It’s very important to me to get back to the community in the same way I was able to enjoy things back when I started.

For the people supporting me, my goal is to keep bringing you my best!

Love you all!

