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Big Thank You's and a Patreon Breakdown!!!

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Ready Art
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Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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I wanted to take a moment and go over the Patreon, what it’s about, and what everyone can expect here. There are the obvious things about the art but I’m talking about what each tier in the Patreon means to me and what I do each month to make sure you get the best art and animation.

Topic Breakdown

  • Overall
  • Comics Explained
  • The Movie Preview Tier
  • The Animated Movie Tier
  • The Tools I Use
  • My thoughts going forward
  • My Longtime Supporters
  • Going forward
  • Thank you again


One thing is to make sure EVERYBODY at any tier gets maximum value. That means as much art as I can reasonably get you (and maybe a little extra) is my goal. I want you to get awesome transformation art as often as I can get it to you. To be clear, I deal mostly with breast expansion and an extreme (chouyuu) version of that. I guess you could say one of my specialties is clothes ripping and giantess art. In the animations I do female muscle growth. Okay, that’s probably a lot of stuff you already knew so let’s break down the tiers.

Comics Explained

The comics are my workshop. I’ve mentioned this before but this is where I go to try new things and experiment. The comics mostly deal with my Growth Lab Universe characters. In there you will find a storyline involving growth energy and how it affects various scientific agencies and people across the globe.

Mostly, I use comics to explore ways to do art. I practice my clothes ripping stuff, perspective, figure drawing. A lot of the work in the animations is only possible because I try so many things out in the comics. It does work both ways too. In the comics I’ve been able to work on things like proportions on the figures, improving my environmental work, and just overall have fun.

My goal with the comics is to give you attractive and fun looking ladies experiencing exciting transformations. I always aim for pretty faces and good expressions on those faces. Clearly, I also aim to draw a decent female figure. Ha ha

There is a storyline in the comics! I know it may not seem like that at times. Still, I do work on storytelling and bringing you something fun. My art style is rough when I do the comics’ first pass. I go back and do an inking pass and clean things up and add dialogue. From there I create a final comic consisting of 150 to 300 pages of artwork. That artwork is uploaded to my main gallery and also made into a PDF you can download. I know it may seem crazy to say 300 pages of comic art but a lot of it is, how shall we say, storyboard-esque art. That means there are a lot of pages that get the point across but aren’t loaded with detail. The pages with the most detail are going to be the transformation pages and pages where I want to highlight the look of a character.

Okay, that’s a basic description of the comics. You can find many examples my comic work for free on deviant art and my main site.

The Movie Preview Tier

This is sort of a mid-tier for people wanting access to comics and also access to high-res versions of movie previews. Notice I say movie previews and not the full movies themselves. To be clear, I do upload lower resolution previews to deviantArt and Twitter. This tier was created for people who perhaps wanted to thrown down a little more donation or who like access to special polls, high-res movie art and a couple other perks to get tossed along every month or so.

Everyone in this tier can access all prior movie previews. I have created downloads so users can get easy access to older stuff. This would include all prior high-resolution animated gifs as well as any high-resolution movie previews I’ve created. So, a subscription for one month will get you everything. I appreciate everyone who gives their continued support. It’s very generous of you!

The Animated Movie Tier

This tier is basically the premier tier. I consider it one of the driving forces of the Patreon overall and allow me to explain.

In this tier I focus on bringing every Patreon at this level a new animated movie every single month. That movie includes sound, VFX, SFX, dialogue and as much transformation action I can pack into it. There is a story and it’s based on my Growth Lab Universe and characters.

As of right now anyone signing up for this tier gets access to every single movie I’ve ever made. One month get you everything and clearly, I’d love you to stay for a little while if you can. What I promise is you will get month after month of my best work. I do thousands of frames of animation each month. It’s a blast and I love doing it. I love animating transformation art. You guys know I love clothes ripping and this is where I get to do a lot of it.

I feel one of the things missing in the community is good transformation animations! Am I doing the best stuff ever in the whole wide world? I wouldn’t say that but I do feel I’m delivering what a lot of people like myself want. Animation is so awesome and I’ve dabbled with 3D versions of the characters but for now the plan is to stick with 2D animation. Maybe somewhere down the line sprinkle in 3D animation for backgrounds or set pieces or stuff like that.

The kind of animation you can expect is breast expansion of course. I add a lot of giantess work into every month. I also do female muscle growth with giantess art sprinkled into that. FMG is a lot of fun and though it doesn’t show up much in the comics I do enjoy drawing it into the animations. It’s all about bringing entertainment to you and myself.

The animation tier also gets to vote and assist me in all major polls. This includes things like suggesting characters for me to draw or directions for the Patreon overall. I feel it’s important to keep in touch with all of you to know what you’re enjoying. I look at the Patreon is sort of a Venn diagram, where my likes and your likes overlap is where I want to be at.

The Tools I Use

This is going to be brief. I use Clip Studio Paint EX. I use it for everything, art and animation. I have been completely digital for almost 12 years now. Before that it was scanned pencil work. So yeah, working digital is amazing. What a blessing it is to have an undo button! You know what I’m talking about!

My thoughts going forward

I want to continue to give you the best value possible. Hard times can happen and not everybody can be throwing down money to every entertainment expense they want. I get it! I want to bring you as much art as I can at the best value possible to you.

Your support is what’s allow this Patreon, the animation and the art and everything you been seeing for the last five or so years to happen. That is to say, your money is what’s keeping this going. I want to be blunt about that because that’s exactly what the truth is.

For those of you who have to come and go to the Patreon. I understand. I hope you come back when you can and obviously I don’t want any hardships on anyone.

My Longtime Supporters

Now let’s talk about the people who have supported me for an extremely long time and donated very generous amount of money over the last few years. It’s really humbling. I have what many would call a dream job. Heck, it’s not even a job to me! I love doing it. You may already know I released my art for nearly 25 years before ever creating a Patreon. That’s how much I love it. In the last few years, I’ve dedicated myself to bringing you art and animation full-time and I hope it shows. Look at all we have right now! That’s mainly because of my long time amazing supporters. I know a lot of you been with me for well over 10 years. That’s incredible and thank you!

For those people who’ve just found me or recently found me maybe in the last five years, thank you so much for your longtime support. I’ve been around a while and I work to evolve and improve constantly. All the support from all my friends and fans has helped me do that. For everyone that month after month puts down their hard earned ducats, oh my gosh, thank you. It’s not a small thing and I do not take you for granted at all. For all my longtime fans that have been around for five, 10 or more years - I’m here for you. I appreciate your support and I hopefully am delivering as much amazing art as you want.

Going forward

We have a couple things in the burner I’ll be announcing over the next month or so. I plan on rolling out a few little surprises before the end of the year. This includes perhaps some comic surprises. I’m also looking at alternative delivery systems for you guys. As you might know I’ve been using GumRoad recently to create a small shop there. I’m experimenting with allowing movies to be downloaded from there. I’m also looking for ways to somehow link or track Patreon to GumRoad access.

Thank you again

Thank everyone of you again and many blessings on you all. I’m delivering a (virtual) hug every single person reading this. I want you to be happy and I’m doing my best to bring you entertainment that makes you happy. You already know your old pal Ready is very happy and I want you to know your loved too!

Talk with you soon,


PATREON(You support is appreciated!) GUMROAD (older Patreon works and FREE goodies) deviantArt (free comics and more)
