Contest Phase 1 Res...
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Contest Phase 1 Results - EVERYONE WINS (and more) READ IT HERE!

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Friends and fans! I love you all!!!

I have news which I hope will make you smile and maybe make a few of you pump your fists in the air. I’m going to talk about our ongoing character contest and lay out plans for the upcoming months. My goal is by the end you're as excited as I am about our future.

First off, every single character that was entered in the Design a Character (Phase 1) has won

Yes, all those characters who entered are now part of the Growth Lab Universe, they will all get an animated appearance and transformation as well as (hopefully) appear in comics down the line. Let me get through this whole update before we start speculating on what exactly this all means.

I’ve been looking at the recent polls and considering new ideas for the Patreon. With this character contest plus the recent polls I think we have a perfect opportunity to pivot into really fun animation territory. Allow me to go over things really quickly and then we can elaborate over the next few posts and months!

All character entries win!

Yes, each and every character entered is now part of the Growth Lab Universe. My goal with that statement is to animate each character and show them doing a fun transformation in roughly 1 to 3 transformation segments. I don’t have many plans beyond that the moment. Give me a little space on this one since some of this is a little off the cuff.

I estimate this might take three months worth of movie time to get it all out. It may take less but I just want to throw that estimate now. We have 11 winners and giving each one a little intro will take some time. What I will do in the meantime is create a poll for everybody and allow people to vote on characters they like. I will use that as a ROUGH guide for the order of animation. I would also like to get your feelings on characters you like.

Will each character be animated EXACTLY as their creator would like to see? I can't promise that. I do promise to work the character into my universe and give a good showing of it within my own abilities and within my own plans for the ongoing stories.

Again we will talk about this more as we go but I hope you like the idea we're doing everybody's stuff!

More focused animations broken down into smaller segments

One of the ideas I’m considering is to take the monthly long form animation and break it into smaller parts with a focus on a single character, maybe two, and just focus down on those transformations. This would be much more in line with what some of my early animations where there was just one character and you saw them go through a type of growth. Again, I don’t have all the details but I wanted to tell you where things are going. I feel this is the right direction for the moment. We can always switch back. 

Animation Supporter take note - my intent is everyone supporting me on the animation tiers will be getting the same or more transformation animation! I would like to keep the amount and quality as high as I reasonably can. Please allow me latitude as we get rolling since I cannot perfectly estimate how long each segment will be. My intent, as I stated above, is to have one to three transformation (or more!) bits per segment. That can go higher for sure but I want to keep things in a doable place. If it turns out it’s easier to do or I find some way to increase production I will absolutely do that.

Finally, you have been so helpful and great

All of what I’m talking about is only possible because of you. My goal this year is to bring in more friends and fans to our Patreon that will enjoy the work I do and help support all of our efforts. Personally I would love to see us hit 1000 members in our community. I want to bring in passionate people who enjoy the art we do and understand the community. We're all here for a love of art, animation and transformation. As you may or may not know, I recently adjusted Patreon tiers to bring more art and animation to everybody. We have a "movie of the month" level as well as the "all access VIP level" where you get the whole shebang and nearly TEN hours of movies. I also opened up a Gumroad store for people that would like to support me that way. As everyone of you knows, I do my level best to share free art with people so that those who may not have the means at the moment and want to enjoy my art. 

I would not be able to do this without your support. I trust you and I want you to trust me. When I say I’m delivering something, I wanted to land on time or early. I also aim to give you more than your money’s worth and more than your expectations each and every time I do art.

Hopefully all that was exciting! There’s more to come for sure, and thank you all so much. I will be setting up a voting poll for the contest entries and this will be just as a general interest test.

If you like what you are seeing here - tell a friend! We all know the best recommendation is one of a trusted friend. If you think people might be interested in my work and our community point them here or any of my public sites! I have lots for people to check out before committing to Patreon or Gumroad. 

We already have our winners and that is every single person reading this including you!

Love you all and talk with you soon,

