FYI - I'm aiming to...
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FYI - I'm aiming to post art updates concurrently! Read more!

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Joined: 13 years ago
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A quick FYI - look for more art posted here in the galleries over the coming months. Usually I save up the postings for huge blocks of art to upload but I will be experimenting with doing more concurrent postings along with my other sites like deviantArt and Patreon.

What that means for you here on the main site is things like one off drawings, comic previews and the like will be heading here a lot sooner.

Just be aware that all the art in the galleries is slightly downscaled from the full sized images to allow for quicker downloads and viewing. Most gallery comics are at 2K resolution now but the PDFs are a little over double that. The Patreon also gets the high and low resolution versions first so if you want to check things out ASAP (and help support MORE art) you can head over there. 

Thank you again for your support and look forward to bringing you more!

