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General Update for the month (and overall)!

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Ready Art
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Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Hey everyone and hope you’re doing well!

Wanted to send out a message to everybody to give a huge thank you and update. Thanks to you and your support everything has been going fantastic. Let’s hit some of the highlights.

As most of you might already know, my goal is to help bring together a bunch of like-minded people who enjoy transformation art. Personally, I look to entertain with my art and animation. I’ve been doing it for over 30 years now and it’s still as much of a joy as ever. That’s due to the community. That’s due to you.

I greatly appreciate those that support me. When you’re putting money down you help me continue the work. Every single cent I make goes right back into improving the art you get. Look at the last 6 months, the last year, 5 years, 10 years of this Patreon. Compare the art being done then and the output done now. Take any one of those time frames! I believe you would agree things have gotten better across all of those times. That’s due to YOU so thank you.

I know this doesn’t have anything to do with art but I feel it’s important to mention this. I love our community. We have incredibly talented people and I’ve been fortunate to speak with many of them. They, in turn, have encouraged me to keep creating and developing my skills. When you get a bunch of people focused on the goal of fun transformation art - everybody benefits. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

This month’s animation

Thanks to your support this month is seeing a huge jump in animation quality. The resolution of my animated movies is now permanently increased to 1920 x 1080. That’s a bit of a jump from the previous resolution and I discussed why the old one was that way. A lot of it comes down to processing the frames as well as storage and delivery on Patreon. That said, I’m always looking for better ways to do things and we will now be using alternate delivery methods like Mega, Gumroad and my main site. I still plan on using Patreon! Just know, we’ve got other things to use now and they work.

Additionally, the animations will now have more sex scenes. That was not a focus before. It was mostly just female transformations and that was it. There weren’t a lot of males, there weren’t a lot of people beyond the Growth Lab ladies. I’m working to bring in more characters and more action. Specifically, sexual action. Personally, I think it’s a good add since we’ve had this in the comics books for a very long time.

A fully voice acted movie

With the new switchover I’m looking to see how you enjoy it and your reaction to it. If it’s a positive enough result and you’re as excited as I am then I will look into doing a fully voice acted movie. I don’t have any details right now. I cannot tell you how long this would be and I cannot tell you how long this would take. My feeling is a fully voice acted movie would take a minimum of 2 to 3 months of development time. This would include things like getting a script, hiring voice actors, and the general production of putting together a lot of external elements with my animation. Again, I haven’t looked into all the details so my time estimates are probably off one way or another. As it is, the current monthly movie is basically an end to end event each month. I keep a little spreadsheet of time and I worked consistently through the month on art and animation. Jumping to a fully voice acted movie and getting it to you in a month of production is not likely unless I hired a studio staff or something.


Look folks, I’d like to think of my comic fan been pretty excited lately. Look at all the new stuff that’s been coming out. We have new full-color comics. We have redos and re-colors of older comics. The comic release schedule overall has increased quite a bit. I’ve adjusted my main site gallery to make it much easier to browse the comics. I’ve also made it much easier to get access to comic PDFs if that’s what you like to do.

Generally speaking, I believe the comics are in a good place. I still want to keep getting you great full-color comics as well as one-off art pages. I still want to have user contests where you suggest characters for me to draw. I love all that stuff. Mostly, I really want to thank you.

Super thanks goes out to those hard-core Ready Art fans from 5, 10 or even 20 years ago. I’m talking about the folks who been reading my comics for years and years. I have not forgot about you. I love doing comics and I love drawing comics. I want you to know I have no plans to stop drawing comics and they are something I really enjoy bringing to the community.

To all my friends and fans

I want you all to know I’m here for you when it comes to transformation art. I was once a young lad looking to find my fill of great art and animation of the erotic variety. Way back then we had a much more limited selection than now. But even then, there were amazing people who shared their art and gave it away for free. Those people impacted me a lot. I really appreciated it as a young lad with little money who was not always able to buy the comics and art he wanted. Now here we are years later and I want to give back what I can to you.

Thank you again, stay awesome and I will talk with you soon. Many more awesome things are on the way.


