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NOTE FOR ALL PATRONS! Some good news about billing!

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Ready Art
Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Original Post on Patreon here:

Patreon announced today (in the last few hours as far as I know) a modification to the way billing works and honestly - it NOW works the way I think most everyone THOUGHT it should work.

**New Patron Pledges** (after this post goes live) - you will be billed on joining and then monthly on your JOIN DATE

Basically, for NEW PATRONS (note the word *new*) - billing will  happen monthly FROM THE DAY YOU JOINED. This is pretty much how most digital subscriptions work in nearly every other part of the universe.

In an ideal world this is the way Patreon would have done billing from jump street. They didn't BUT they decided to address the issue and I did the switch to the new method as soon as I could.

Current Patrons (those who pledged BEFORE this post went live) - You will continue to be billed on the 1st of the month, as you ALWAYS have been.

I want to add a quick note NOTHING CHANGES if you are a Patron who subscribed BEFORE this post went up. You will continue to be billed on the 1st of the month. This is what has always happened and that is how it will continue unless you leave the Patreon (and come back hopefully! haha). 

Current Patrons who have been here consecutive months

For all my current patrons - THANK YOU for your support. Just know if you have been here multi-months in a row and want to continue your support it is best to just continue as-is. If you have to leave for whatever reason, when you return you will be on the newer billing cycle.

Newer Patrons or people who come and go over time as they can

This is probably a bigger deal since it will impact you the most. You don't need to worry about signing up on the 28th of the month only to be billed on the 1st of the new month, as has been the case FOREVER. Your billing will renew one month from your join date.

Patrons who joined in month of September 2022 (this month)

Check your renewal date (link below). It will show you when your next billing cycle is. If you join AFTER this post is live your next charge will be on your join date, otherwise it will likely show the 1st. 

I know this probably makes some of the more recent joins in the last few days go "AARRRGHH" but you can always leave and rejoin. That will put you on the new billing cycle.

If you are subscribed you can check your current renewal date here:

General thoughts

  • I do not control your personal billing date nor can I adjust it. 
  • There was NO OPTION to somehow revert every patron to billing on their join date, it was only an option to turn the feature on for new patrons. 
  • Like I mention, I don't have any fine control over various people's accounts to adjust the billing times. 
  • New patrons are still billed UPON joining (as has always been the case), only the renewal date has changed.
  • REMEMBER - you are billed when you join in all cases - new or prior billing system!

Short summary

  • Current patrons (pledges before this post is live) - nothing changes
  • New patrons (after this post is live) - billing now renews on your join date instead of the 1st

A message from Ready Art

Hey all, Patreon has been a blessing for me and allowed me to do so much art and animation. It's not a perfect place (no place is) but they do grow and listen to the community and this has been on a LOT of people's wish list!

I'm not here to judge the folks at Patreon but my gut feeling is they are doing their best. There is NO WAY the founders expected this place to grow like it did and they are doing the best they can. I appreciate them but mostly - I APPRECIATE YOU!

I want you to know that EVERYTHING I do is to maximize your value and get you the most art. I think this is a move further in the right direction and I hope to keep bringing all my friends and fans my best for years to come.

Comments or questions welcome,

