October Update - Pu...
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October Update - Public Art Pack PDF FREE (over 400 images)

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Ready Art
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Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Folks, I have heard you like your PDFs and I made a giant PDF containing art from our first 19 art packs. To be clear, these are basically the publicly released versions of the regular high-res Art Packs. 

"What's all this publicly released jibber jabber Ready?"

Good question - it's LOWER resolution images. You see, all my fine patrons have access to the HIGHEST resolution art I release. If you want access to all my comics, high res art and a LOT more you can jump over to the Patreon and sign up for the Comic Tier. If not, enjoy these publicly released images!

Art Packs 1-19 on PREVIEW PDF Gumroad (one big download):

That said - if you are looking for a quick overview or a collected look at all the art without having to unpack 19 RARs of images - then GRAB THAT PDF!

For more art and animation check out my other downloads or my Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/readyart  or my main site with free comics  https://www.readyartzone.com/

Thank you!


patreon.com/readyart | readyartzone.com | deviantart.com/readyart

