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Ready Art Explains the Growth Lab - Episode 055, The Coalition of Science and the USAF

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Ready Art
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For more backstories - check out the tag "Growth Lab History" on my Patreon

We're doing a lore dive for those interested! Today's episode is about the Coalition, USAF and a new enemy in the Growth Lab Universe.

I got a question today about the Coalition of Science and how it relates to the USAF (Luna, the team at Killian, etc). The question was about how people like Hannah and others were moving over to the Coalition and being perceived as spies or traitors - basically bad guys. The short answer - the Coalition is not a group of super villians but an opposing group who wants many of the same things the USAF wants.


The first thing we need to talk about is the Coalition of Science. The Coalition is not necessarily an evil organization. They are not looking for world domination or control in some villainous sense. They have goals and those goals can be at odds with USAF (the United Space and Air Force/Killian group/Luna and gang).

Quick definition, the USAF is mostly a North American and British group of scientists, explorers and military. The Coalition of Science consists mostly of people from mainland Europe as well as parts of Asia and Africa. There’s a lot of mix-and-match as people do come from various places. Also, it should be noted people like Hannah Stromberg have moved from one group to another at times. It also should be clarified these groups share SOME knowledge and technology with each other. Things like the growth energy and ways to deal with it are problems both groups look to solve.

In some ways it’s almost like looking at two giant corporations. Maybe those two corporations are competing to create a product but there are times where two corporations might come together to make a new product. My point is in the Growth Lab universe, the USAF has fallen out of favor for its handling of the growth crisis. The Coalition of Science is currently considered the leader of that cause.

Now we all know this is a comic book story and there’s going to be stuff which may seem nonsensical. The level of technology in the Growth Lab Universe has fluctuated a lot over the years. If you look at it now there’s basically Death Stars flying around and a Star Trek level of technology. I do my best to have it all fold into each other and make “in universe” sense. I do have a goal in mind when I’m writing and an idea of how groups relate to each other. I mean, it’s not all flying out of my ass though it may seem like that. Haha

Another thing I want to talk about is the newest threat in the Growth Lab universe. This represents a new group both the USAF and the Coalition will be joining forces to combat. That is the threat of the extra-terrestrial Gargoyles. Not a lot is known about the Gargoyles at the moment but I’ll give you a little back story. The idea behind the Gargoyles is they are the original creators of the Growth Lab energy we see now. They didn’t use it to create giants or anything like that. They had a different purpose. The way Gargoyles intended things to work was they would fire off probes into different parts of the galaxy. These probes were small and contained an energy virus. That energy virus would arrive in a system and look for some suitable life form to overtake. Gargoyles operate, at least at the moment, as a mental based organism. They communicate with what we would call telepathy and they have a hive mind. So, the Gargoyles fire off an energy virus, energy virus looks for hosts, if it finds a host it tries to take over and reprogram their mind with the Gargoyle matrix. Now that’s all a lot of gobbledygook but the basic idea is they create more gargoyles that way. If enough new gargoyles are created the hive mind can activate and they will be back in touch with the Gargoyle home world. Again, I’m peeling back the curtain here for those who are interested, for everybody else, all this means is the Gargoyles screwed up with their probe in our system. It didn’t affect humans the way they thought it would. It basically caused what you see now, lots of growth. People like Colette found a very early version of the gargoyle energy and were the first to discover what it was capable of.

The Coalition and the USAF are just now becoming aware growth energy might not be some natural occurrence. This is where comic stories are heading now. The animation stories are still catching up to this and it will probably be explored more down the line.

I wanted to put all this out there for those who have questions about why is Trish, Hannah, Lorraine, etc is “good” or “evil” now. There have been times the Coalition has been opposed to what Luna and her gang are doing. In the Coalition’s mind Luna isn’t always doing the right thing. In fact, the Coalition might argue she has been doing more harm than good.

I also want all the great friends and fans of the series to know in the end the groups do come together to combat a common foe. All that is a story for down the line.

What we’re seeing now the comics and animations is the rise of the Coalition of Science and how it affects the members of the USAF. Those are the main stories going through the Growth Lab comics and animations. The Coalition was never meant to destroy the USAF (Luna, Killian, etc)

I hope that helps a few of you understand a little more. I know it seems a complicated at times when mostly the stories are just about growing women and large boobs. The lore of the Growth Lab universe has grown so much in the last 20 years. It started as a way to generate stories about transformations and it’s blown up into its own thing. Personally, I love it. I love all the ladies we have inside the Growth Lab universe (Coalition and USAF) and I look forward to bringing you more art and animation.

Thank you again all my friends and fans and I will keep these coming if you are interested.

If you like what you’re reading hit that like button so I know.

Talk with you soon!


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Ready Art
