Site Cleanup and Up...
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Site Cleanup and Update

1 Posts
1 Users
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Ready Art
Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 64
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Hey all, did a big pass on the site to clean up navigation and make the comic browsing (hopefully) a little easier for you.

Comics are broken into three sections with easy navigation buttons at the top and bottom of each page so you can jump around. If you are a patron or lifetime member you can see the Patreon Gallery and all the early look comics.

I also added sitewide links to my various social media and if you are on Discord I recommend adding my server as a lot of little updates and art posts go there during the day (they eventually come here). I'm normally working but I keep an eye on things and am around.

Also - Growth Lab 46 (Prototype) and Growth Lab 47 (Visionary) were added to the Free Comics!

See what you think and THANK YOU for your support!

