Trisha Hubert VO Te...
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Trisha Hubert VO Test....

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The VO Test is in our gallery here: Free Main Gallery » Comic Previews - Color and more » 2023 Releases »

Hey all,

Wanted to drop an update about what's happening with the voice acting and a sample of where we are! Thanks to tireless help from Solstice we have the first round of VO dialog and emotes for one of our ladies - Trish. Next month I'm working to start rolling this work into the monthly animated movies as well as get more people cast and brought in.

Hang tight, I imagine you are curious as to how this will go down.

Just know I want to get you as much VO as I reasonably can and keep the pace of the movies on a monthly schedule if possible/doable. At the moment we are staying MONTHLY with our movies and we will role VO into movies as we get casting and voices for various ladies. This means we won't just be flipping a switch "on" for everything.

As to who is getting cast and when it will land, that will really depend on finding people who 1) fit the role and 2) are available 3) match considerations like long term viability, cost, etc.

I won't start speculating. You KNOW I don't like overpromising. I want you to get my best and me sitting here with random promises at this stage helps no one. Things like how EXACTLY this will role into the movies and how EXACTLY we can expect things to look/sound going forward will be workshopped as we build a sound library up. My goal is always to keep the quality high and give you MORE than your money's worth.

Some quick overall thoughts

  • The plan is to build a library of basic sounds/phrases for main characters. A lot of factors (popularity, time, interest) will determine how long this stage takes
  • I have no timetable at this point for a fully voiced movie with something like all new spoken lines running 10 plus minutes. We are sticking to the monthly schedule for now so the plan is to build on what we have. I am leaving options open if there is interest in other directions.
  • It's likely we will see various parts of movies voice cast with lines (or line variations) being used for common situations. 
  • CLEARLY - in a perfect world I would love to see 14 plus ladies voiced completely in every movie and it all land at your doorstep every month. Will we get there? Well, I'm aiming to bring you my best!

Thank you and I'm really excited to see this upgrade in the movies. Ideally this kicks the whole production up a notch. I want YOU to be happy and perhaps we can bring in even more friend and fans to our community!

Best and talk with you soon!

