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Comic FAQ and Schedule

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Ready Art
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I have been doing my Growth Lab comics and transformation art for a long time. If you are here and reading my comics – THANK YOU! I wanted to drop a specific post for you and tell you more about how comics will be delivered going forward.

The short story is we are switching to full comics releases with an eye on getting EVERYONE more comic art! Read on for details and see the chart at the bottom for where we are!

Comic Delivery for the Main Set (Free) Comics

If you are here for Free comics – I HAVE YOU COVERED! Basically, All my comics eventually come into the free gallery. That has always been the case and that will continue! Just hang in there and check the announcements and schedule to see what’s going on.

Lifetime Access to Patreon Comics!!!

CURRENT AND FORMER PATRONS – ANYONE AND EVERYONE who has EVER donated $12 TOTAL to my Patreon will have access to the Patreon Comic Section even if they leave the Patreon. Basically, if you need to bow out of the Patreon for ANY reason you will STILL be able to get access to the Patreon comic page to read the latest comic updates. (just the comic page, not the downloads, haha)

Let me explain that again – A lifetime donation means YOU can leave my Patreon completely and STILL have access (via Patreon login) to my weekly Patreon comic section! 

I did some setting adjustments to the main site and we should be good to go! I’m looking at other benefits I can toss your way but the above are in place RIGHT NOW!

Comic Delivery for Patreon Sections

The good news is I will be making new comics in the form of PDFs and releasing full comics all at once! Yes, that means you don’t need to read 11 pages a week for 15 or 20 weeks to see an entire comic. You will get to see that whole comic all at once. Allow me to simplify it, I release roughly 3 to 4 full comics each year. You will now get these 3 to 4 comics as full uploads to the Patreon gallery on my main site. In addition, the various tiers of the Patreon will get access to full comic PDFs. The specifics roughly workout like this:

PDF Comic Downloads $1 tier – Patreons paying $1/month or more will be able to access all Growth Lab PDF Comics from issues 1-20.

PDF Comic Downloads $2 tier -Patreons paying $2/month or more will be able to access all Growth Lab PDF Comics from issues 1-20 PLUS the latest comic PDF!

PDF Comic Download $5 tier – Patreons paying $5/month or more will be able to access all Growth Lab PDF Comics from issues 1-20 PLUS the latest TWO comic PDFs!

PDF Comic Download $10 tier – Patreons paying $10/month or more will be able to access all Growth Lab PDF Comics – the ENTIRE CATALOG I have! (all Growth Lab ones released)

Going forward I’m going to work to get everything caught up to where I’m at with the art. I plan to stick to the overall output level I’m at now in terms of comic rewards. Read that again, over the course of one year you will get access to the same amount or MORE comics. The release will be separated by months this time but the comics will come out as regularly as I can make them.

The Plan for all Comics

A very rough plan right now, not set in stone, is to rotate in new comics every 3 to 4 months. That is a rough estimate so don’t hold my feet in the fire over that. What will happen is when a comic is ready, I will upload the whole thing to the Patreon gallery. Ideally at the same time I will cycle in new PDFs for all patrons as well as cycle a new comic into the Free gallery.

If you look at where we are in terms of the gallery and where we are in terms of PDF uploads there is a gap. I will do what I can to close that gap and get everything caught up. Again, this is just me trying to get you more art as quickly as I can. Haha. I will work to keep everyone posted about a schedule.

Thank you again for your support, it means a lot to me I love drawing the comics and I will keep doing that, they are not going away. What is going away is the somewhat clunky way they have been delivered. You’re getting whole comics and whole PDFs now.

Thank you again!


