Lifetime Access to Patreon Comics!!!
CURRENT AND FORMER PATRONS – ANYONE AND EVERYONE who has EVER donated $12 TOTAL to my Patreon will have access to the Patreon Comic Section and Lifetime Comic Section even if they leave the Patreon. Basically, if you need to bow out of the Patreon for ANY reason you will STILL be able to get access to the Patreon comic page to read the latest comic updates. (just the comic page, not the downloads, haha)
Let me explain that again – A lifetime donation means YOU can leave my Patreon completely and STILL have access (via Patreon login) to my Patreon comic section!
I did some setting adjustments to the main site and we should be good to go! I’m looking at other benefits I can toss your way but the above are in place RIGHT NOW!
Lifetime Gallery Access (My collection of unpublished comics)
Lifetime Comics Gallery Access
I added a new Lifetime gallery to this site and now allow access to all the unpublished comics I am currently working on.
“What are you talking about Ready? MAKE SENSE MAN!”
Well, I just uploaded over TWO THOUSAND PAGES OF COMICS to the brand new Lifetime Gallery – WHICH IS PART OF THE MAIN PATREON GALLERY! In there you will find my pre-release (and occasionally ‘rough’) comics. Mostly though it’s a look at all my comic art we are waiting to release.
How to get Lifetime Access and Overview
- Currently the only way to get lifetime access is to have a $12 TOTAL lifetime donation to my Patreon or be a CURRENT PATRON
- Right off the bat – please know ALL the art in the Lifetime Gallery will eventually be available for FREE! The art will proceed from Lifetime Gallery > Patreon Gallery > Free Gallery
- . This is not meant as a barrier for people but a reward for those longtime supporters of my efforts to bring EVERYONE more art and animation.
- That said, I appreciate ALL my friends and fans, paying or not.

Login Instructions for the main site in case you are new!
Wanted to verify with all of you about how it’s done. I tried it myself using my Patreon login and it works. You might try clearing your cache and cookies if you are having issues but overall is should just ‘work’.

I’m VERY happy you’re here and VERY happy you enjoy the art. Let’s keep it that way and continue on.
If you have any questions you can message me at granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com and I will get back to you as quickly as I can!
Thank you again!