
Growth Lab 13 (GLU013)

Category: Comics | Previous Comic: Growth Lab 12 (GLU012) | Next Comic: Michelle Part 1 (GLU014) Release Date: Apr 2013 | Available in: Free Gallery/Growth Lab - Mega Supporter Pack 1


GLU013 Summary

Luna wakes up in a crater somewhere in China after falling back to Earth. Hannah Stromberg and Private Alexander Dunn arrive in a U.S. Army bus to retrieve Luna and bring her back to base. On the way back to base a growth episode starts as Luna and Hannah bicker in the bus while Alexander drives. The three grow out of the bus as they reach the base and Hannah gives Luna the G.A.L System in order to perform a decom on all three of them. The three head to the airport to return to the United States and have another growth episode as Luna loses control in the terminal.


GLU013 Scene 01: Hannah Retrieves Luna (pg. 1-2)

Hannah and Alexander drive a decom bus out into rural China to retrieve Luna after she fell to Earth after being decomed in orbit according to Order 67. Hannah helps Luna aboard the bus after introducing her to Alexander.

GLU013 Scene 02: Runaway Bus Ride (pg. 2-15)

Alexander relays a call from the Luxembourg to Hannah stating that only ten percent of the total energy dispersed from Luna was absorbed by the Luxembourg. Luna and Hannah bicker back and forth as both of them start growing, joined in soon by Alexander. The three of them make it to the China Army Base just as their growth destroys the bus. Hannah is tasked to watch Alexander while Luna goes off on her own.

GLU013 Scene 03: G.A.L. System (pg. 16-21)

Luna attempts to activate the G.A.L. System in order to decom herself, Hannah, and Alexander. Hannah is unable to keep Alexander occupied and he locates Luna as the G.A.L. System boots up into Phase 2.

GLU013 Scene 04: Luna Holds It Together (pg. 22-25)

The G.A.L. System activates in time to decom Luna, Alexander, and Hannah. The three pack up the G.A.L. system to take with them. On the way to the airport Luna starts to grow but manages to halt it.

GLU013 Scene 05: Airport Breakout (pg. 26-30)

The three arrive at the airport and Luna continues to undergo small growth spurts. Hannah goes to retrieve boarding tickets and while her back is turned both Alexander and Luna grow out of control causing Hannah to also grow.

growth_lab_13_glu013.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/22 22:15 by hugo

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