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Atlantis (GLU031)

Category: Comics | Previous Comic: Class Action (GLU030 | Next Comic: Afternoon Off (GLU032) | Release Date: Q3-Q4 2020 | Available in: Free Gallery/Growth Lab - Mega Supporter Pack 2


GLU031 Scene 01: Welcome To Atlantis (pg. 1-4)

The Turin Captain (GLU030-166) and Alexander Dunn continue to have sex as the energy crystal powering Atlantis activates and shrink everyone back down to normal size. Luna Masters, Alexander, Roger Benton, and the captain put on underwater decom suits and meet the Queen of Atlantis (GLU031-002) who orders for Benton to be detained because no men are allowed in Atlantis. They also detain Luna because she is deemed a “cow”, swollen with Atlantean energy. later Luna is seen by an Atlantean doctor who tells her she is soaked in a hybrid Atlantean energy. They state that their tech cannot help Benton so they leave him and Luna detained.

GLU031 Scene 02: Draining the Cow (pg. 5-18)

Luna Masters is taken out of the holding sell to help with an Atlantean device used to recharge the Atlantean energy crystals. Unfortunately when Luna is affected by the machine she starts growing and Roger Benton grows as well. Afterwards the Atlanteans hook Luna up to a milking machine which has pumps attached to her breasts. Alexander Dunn and Benton have their penises hooked up to a similar pump-like system. The system is turned on and Luna, Alexander, and Benton all grow and remove their pumps. Benton and Luna start having sex and the Queen of Atlantis (GLU031-002) starts growing, demanding for Luna to be drained.

GLU031 Scene 03: Shelly Discovers Atlantean Energy (pg. 18-22)

Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18) is searching for energy signatures in a research van and detects growth energy coming from the coast. Shelly tries to scan the energy and the van is hit by an energy surge. Hours later Shelly awakes on the ground naked and her van is destroyed. Shelly gets a ride home and later that night as she is checking the data downloads she says the trigger phrase and starts growing. The next day she wakes up in a completely different room and everything is wrecked.

GLU031 Scene 04: Bill Tests Shelly (pg. 23-31)


At work Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18) is asked by Mr. Roberts (GLU030-023) to come into his office where she is met by Bill Riggs who states he needs her for Atlantis. Bill says the trigger phrase and Shelly starts to grow. Both Bill and Shelly grow and have sex, bursting out of the building in the process. Shelly grabs onto Bill's cock and her hands begin to glow, filling Bill with energy until he overloads and explodes and they reset to normal size. Shelly calls her friend Mark (GLU030-023) to come pick her up and when her friend Roger (GLU030-031) arrives Shelly gets in and is introduced to Luna Masters who Roger says he ran into at the company labs.

GLU031 Scene 05: Luna Unloads the Truck (pg. 31-39)

Luna Masters states that she needs Shelly's help with the study of Atlantean energy so they stop at Shelly's house to unload equipment. Shelly explains her run in with Bill to Luna as they unload equipment and mentions the trigger phrase causing Luna to grow. Shelly doesn't notice because Luna is behind the truck and goes to check her email, leaving Roger (GLU030-031) with Luna. Roger discovers Luna is growing but Luna silences him and pleads for him to help release and they both grow and have sex. Shelly, who is nearby, starts growing as well and Alexander Dunn arrives with groceries and grows and has sex with Shelly.

GLU031 Scene 06: Luna Debriefs Shelly (pg. 39-41)

After discharging, Luna Masters explains to Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18) that Roger Benton is still in Atlantis and Bill Riggs is searching for them so they need to hurry because they are attracted to Luna's energy. Luna has Shelly log into her server and run equations. Meanwhile, Luna explains that she feels that Bill and the rest will arrive soon. Shelly comments on how fast Luna grows and Luna replies that since she began growing she doesn't quite reset to her previous size and she might be building to an explosive release.

GLU031 Scene 07: Benton Delivers A Message (pg. 42-60)

Outside of Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18)'s house Bill Riggs asks Roger Benton to go in and convince Luna Masters to return with them. Benton meets with Luna and they have a short conversation but quickly begin growing and have sex. Luna puts on a swimsuit after they discharge and introduces Benton to Shelly. Benton asks to speak to Alexander and notifies Alexander that they need to convince Luna and Shelly to turn themselves in. Benton and Alexander also notice their cocks are not shrinking back to normal after growing. Benton asks Alexander to convince Luna, saying he doesn't have much time since and is already growing. Luna, who is also growing, walks in on them and Alexander relays to Luna what Benton said about the Atlantis tech being ineffective. Luna shrugs off the statement and continues to grow, and Alexander and Benton join in and have sex with her.

GLU031 Scene 09: Decom Bracelets and Return to Atlantis (pg. 61-70)

Afterwards, Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18) states she can use Atlantean tech to reset Luna Masters, Alexander Dunn, and Roger Benton. After having Atlantean decom bracelets placed on her body, Luna's breasts and hips shrink back to their original size and Benton and Alexander's cocks also return to normal size. Luna is upset about her slimmer body much to Shelly's surprise. Aftwerwards they head to Atlantis in a submarine to examine the Atlantis crystal. Luna is still in a bad mood and walks to the back of the sub under the false pretense of calibrating her suit but instead uses the privacy to reduce the decom power of the bracelet. Luna goes and sits back down but starts sweating and she, Alexander, Benton, and Shelly grow out of their decom suits. They all agree to ram the submarine into the Atlantean energy crystal but Bill Riggs approaches in an Atlantean submarine and locks on to their ship and drags them in.

GLU031 Scene 10: Bill Sells out and Luna's Escape Attempt (pg. 71-87)

Luna Masters, Alexander Dunn, Roger Benton, and Shelly Rogers (GLU031-18) are taken off their sub and Bill Riggs explains to Luna that he partnered with the Atlanteans by selling them Killian's decom technology. After conversing with Bill, Luna reluctantly agrees to share her knowledge with the Atlanteans. Luna's plan is to use the access to the Atlantean systems for her own work but Bill notifies the Atlanteans that he gave Luna the wrong access. Luna goes to Benton telling him she know Bill's plan, explaining that the Atlantean decom bracelets don't just remove their energy. Benton, Luna, Alexander, and Shelly escape the Atlantean Sub and try to get to get away from the power crystal but they hit a power flux and everyone in the submarine starts growing. They burst out of the submarine and Luna realises they are too close to the crystal.

GLU031 Scene 11: Hulk and Samus (pg. 88-96)

Samus Aran greets who she thinks is Tony Stark (Iron Man) but is actually Bruce Banner (The Hulk), who Tony asked to complete the mission in his place, wearing the Iron Man suit. Samus asks Bruce to scan a satellite to determine its energy signature but Bruce doesn't know how to scan. Bruce tries to stall for time but starts growing and Samus realizes that he is not Tony as he grows out of his suit. Samus grows out of her suit as well and they have sex. Afterwards Bruce and Samus start growing again but before they have sex Samus states she has a better idea.

GLU031 Scene 12: Power Suit AssemblyBreakout (pg. 96-100)

Samus Aran starts her presentation at the Power Suit Assembly and invites Tony Stark (Iron Man), who is still Bruce Banner (The Hulk) in disguise to present a new power source. Bruce places the device on the stage which starts pulling in energy. The audience starts growing and Bruce starts bursting out of the Iron Man suit. Bill Riggs and Karen Summers arrive and start growing as well. Samus bursts out of her suit excitedly.

GLU031 Scene 13: Agent Carter and Ian Team Up (pg. 100-108)

Agent Peggy Carter is notified of the breakout at the Power Suit Assembly and leaves to investigate. Ian Jonas reminds her that she failed a decom test once but she states it was a trivial matter and takes a decom bracelet from Ian. Ian expresses doubt about the bracelet's effectiveness but Carter dismisses it and turns it on and starts growing. Ian grows out of his clothes as well and he and Carter have sex.

GLU031 Scene 14: Luna and Peggy get Double Teamed (pg. 108-118)

After having sex with Ian Jonas, Agent Peggy Carter decides to find Luna Masters to get info about how to power the energy draining program. Luna answers the door in a bikini and Peggy asks her to report to Room Six. Later they meet and Luna notices that Peggy has had recent growth due to her larger breast size. Showing Luna the Atlantean Crystal Peggy states it can vary its energy signature and has a trigger mechanism but Luna dismisses the claim. Luna states the trigger phrase and she and Carter start growing. Both of Luna and Peggy's chests grow then their butts and legs grow as well. Alexander Dunn and Ian Jonas are sitting next to the crystal and start growing as well. Alexander has sex with Luna and Ian has sex with Peggy.

GLU031 Scene 15: Alexander and Peggy Play Poker in Decom (pg. 118-124)

Luna Masters orders then to load the Atlantean Crystal on the shuttle and has Alexander Dunn prep a two day decom. Agent Peggy Carter requests Alexander give a full report on Luna during the decom. After getting a sumary from Alexander about Luna's adventures, Carter is astonished at Luna's extreme volatility with energy and claims she is an addict but Alexander disagrees. They challenge each other to a poker game and Alexander beats Carter, who then has to dial down her suit's decom level. Carter continues to lose and she steadily grows out of her decom suit so Alexander removes his helmet to join the fun.

GLU031 Scene 16: Luna, Benton and the Furiharas Catch Up (pg. 125-134)

Roger Benton is in another decom chamber close by when the alarm sounds signaling an outbreak. Benton tries to wake up Luna Masters who is in the same cell as him sleeping. Luna starts growing as she wakes up and Benton grows as well. In a nearby decom chamber Naomi Furihara, Mika Furihara, and their mother Anne Furihara watch Benton and Luna having sex. Naomi yells at the guards to let them out and Benton notices and walks over to her. Naomi starts teasing Benton who proceeds to infect Mrs. Furihara and Mika, forcing them to grow. Naomi becomes infected too and starts to grow but Luna decoms Benton before things can go further.

GLU031 Scene 17: Helicopter Crash (pg. 135-142)

Luna Masters notifes Naomi Furihara that she needs to stand trial and answer for the Prom Night Incident and Rave Party Incident which occurred eight years ago. Naomi points out that Luna's had many more incidents since then. Later Luna has Naomi locked in a decom suit telling her she is the only one who can deactivate the Luxembourg's core. Luna, Naomi, and Alexander Dunn board a helicopter being loaned to them and flown by Tony Stark (Iron Man). Luna starts growing in the helicopter and pulls Alexander aside to try and have sex to release the energy. Iron Man grows and the helicopter crashes. Luna complains that she can't help her growth outbursts because her tits are overloaded and barely shrink back now.

GLU031 Scene 18: Luna Calls Hannah (pg. 143-152)

Luna Masters heads to a town to find a phone to contact Hannah Stromberg after putting on a civilian disguise and packing her breasts down. Luna has a back and forth with the guard for night club but eventually is let in. The guard recognizes Luna and decides to call it in. Meanwhile Luna calls Hannah and requests a ship and team to pick her up. Three hours later Luna is still waiting at the club when Benton shows up to collect her. The security guard asks them to come to the back but instead locks them in a back room. Luna states her time is almost up till her next discharge so she starts moving crates to try and climb up to a window. While moving crates, Luna splits her pants and she and Benton grow and have sex. At the end Benton comments on how large Luna's tits are and she replies that she grows about every three hours now.

GLU031 Scene 19: Luna Visits Gary (pg. 153-158)

Luna Masters meets with Alexander Dunn who is skeptical about the safety of going up to the Endeavor but Luna replies that Gary Williams is cured. Luna takes a shuttle to the Yorktown and meets with Gary to debrief on the mission. Luna and Gary go to the hangar to speak privately and they both grow and have sex. Afterwards Luna remarks that no matter how many times she has sex now her tits don't shrink back.

GLU031 Scene 20: Luna Revisits the Luxembourg (pg. 159-166)

Later Luna Masters determines the problem with her growth is that the Luxembourg is too close to her and heads to Alexander Dunn for help. Luna maps out that the Luxembourg will pass by in two hours and gets a ship and space decom suits for her and Alexander to board the Luxembourg. Gary objects to Luna getting on the Luxembourg stating she will grow again in thirty minutes but Luna ignores him. On the Luxembourg Luna finds the core energy crystal and places it on the shuttle but she and Alexander grow and burst out of the shuttle.

GLU031 Scene 21: Luna In Medieval Times (pg. 167-183)

In 536 AD on an Alternate Earth, Luna crashes down having fallen from space. Luna is still infected and wakes up in the crater, immediately expelling milk uncontrollably from her breasts and cumming. Afterwards Luna shrinks down to normal size and her breasts sink to their original size as well. Christian (GLU031-170) sees the milk Luna expelled and tastes it, quickly becoming addicted. Luna walks around wearing a sackcloth and Christian is approached by his significant other Veronica who mentions seeing Luna and then her chest starts growing. Christian takes Veronica to a private place where she shrinks down and Luna finds clothes to change into. Luna returns to the crater which she is surprised to see is dry and is brought by a local back into town where she is accused of being a witch and taken into custody. Luna is placed on trial and cleansing crystals are brought out which they claim came from the sky just like Luna. The crystals make Luna start to grow and Luna realizes they are the same as the ones used on the Luxembourg. Luna keeps growing and has a discharge that sends her back to her normal time and original earth.

atlantis_glu031.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/26 12:39 by hugo

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