
Afternoon Off (GLU032)

Category: Comics | Previous Comic: Atlantis (GLU031) | Next Comic: Supernova (GLU033) | Release Date: Feb 2021 | Available in: Free Gallery/Growth Lab - Mega Supporter Pack 2


GLU032 Scene 01: Luna Revisits Dr. Hughes' Candies (pg. 1-3)

Luna Masters studies the government's last known piece of the growth candy created by Dr. Susan Lee Hughes and contemplates destroying it but decides to hold onto the candy for one last test. Luna gets alone with the candy sample and begins to grow.

GLU032 Scene 02: Hannah And Higgs Decom Luna (pg. 4-9)

Hannah Stromberg knocks on Luna Masters' door and Luna answers in the process of bursting out of her clothes. Hannah asks Private Higgs (GLU032-006) to siphon some of Luna's energy. Higgs starts to decom Luna but begins growing herself, attempting to take more of Luna's energy until Luna reabsorbs the energy decoming them both.

GLU032 Scene 03: Shuttle Launch and Crash (pg. 10-17)

Luna Masters tells Hannah Stromberg she can hold her energy in until they get to space but Hannah insists Luna get on a shuttle under guard. At the shuttle launch pad Roger Benton objects to boarding Luna's shuttle with Bruce Banner who disagrees, saying Luna is the answer to their growth problems. Benton and Bruce turn on the darkening shades on their decom suits and start escorting Luna who is skeptical of them and adjusts Benton's suit setting angering him. The shuttle takes off but Benton, Bruce, and Luna grow out of their suits and crash land. Luna and Benton have sex and decom.


GLU032 Scene 04: Benton's Candy Stash (pg. 18-27)

Alexander Dunn goes ahead to catch a bus and Roger Benton asks Luna Masters for a ride into Killian which she agrees to. They arrive at Benton's house and he asks Luna to come inside and brings out a box of the original super soldier candies stating that he held onto them after leaving Killian University. Luna asks for Benton to turn the candies over to her but he refuses and after arguing Benton eats a candy stating that it might cure him but he and Luna start growing and eventually have sex and decom. After discharging, Benton's cock doesn't shrink and Luna realizes he is retaining energy similar to a battery after decom, building a charge.

GLU032 Scene 05: Luna Helps Benton Discharge (pg. 28-36)

Luna Masters takes Roger Benton to Killian Community College and they both get in transfer pods in order to drain their energy. Luna's instructions are vague and Benton suspects that Luna is using him and once the transfer starts both Luna and Benton start growing and have sex to decom and Benton falls asleep afterward.

GLU032 Scene 06: Luna Attends A Pep Rally (pg. 36-42)

Luna Masters leaves Benton sleeping and hears a pep rally occurring nearby. Luna dresses up as one of the school cheerleaders, flattening her breasts under two Lycra shirts, and plans to go out and perform to absorb the sexual energy. Benton, who is wearing a clown outfit, finds Luna and objects to her going out to perform but Luna doesn't listen and goes out to dance with the cheerleaders. Benton watches from backstage and starts growing along with Luna. Benton grabs Luna asking to leave but is knocked out by Clark Kent (Superman) who agrees to take Luna back to headquarters.

GLU032 Scene 07: Luna Works With Batman & Superman (pg. 43-53)

Luna Masters explains to Clark Kent (Superman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), and Anna Marie (Rogue) that she is super saturated with energy building to a huge explosion and her efforts to reset have not been successful. Rogue offers to siphon Luna's energy but they decide that is too dangerous so Luna shows Batman the super soldier candy and he agrees to analyze it at his lab. Batman has Luna put on a decom suit and get inside a chamber that was designed to de-power Superman and fills it with fluid and super soldier candy. Luna starts growing in the chamber and Batman follows suit. Superman arrives and breaks Luna out of the chamber but also starts growing. Luna gives Superman a blowjob while getting fucked by Bruce Wayne.

GLU032 Scene 08: Luna's Tries Teamwork (pg. 54-70)

After decom Luna asks Batman and Superman to get Bruce Banner, Roger Benton, Anna Marie (Rogue) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)to meet in the main auditorium. The meeting starts and Luna explains that she has less than a month before she explodes. She explains that Benton, Alexander, and even Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) all have a risk of exploding eventually as well. Jen points out this has happened before but Luna states the outcome this time around is unknown due to the nature of the buildup. Karen Summers, Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), and Rachel Smith are there as well. Luna asks them all to each take a piece of the original super soldier candy and ingest it. After doing so Luna states the candy will recode the energy signatures as long as their minds stay clear of unstable thoughts. Luna starts growing and pleads for everyone to not focus on her but it doesn't work and everyone starts to grow. Benton and Luna finish having sex and Luna rejoices that her breasts are slightly smaller although they are still approximately a double J cup size.

GLU032 Scene 09: Bill Wants to Grow (pg. 71-85)

Bill Riggs approaches Luna Masters upset that no one is growing anymore and asks her to continue her research. Luna refuses stating that Dr. Susan Lee Hughes' candy samples are all gone now. Bill is distraught and asks Luna to turn over her remaining work but she states it's gone and Bill leaves angrily. Luna reveals that she is hiding the candy from Bill because she is still trying to find a cure for the energy virus. Later we see Luna head into the lab for the evening and as she is working Bill Riggs barges in with two soldiers and start searching the room. They find the candy box and Luna pretends it is not the real super soldier candy but Bill swipes one piece and eats it and starts growing. Luna grows as well, her legs and butt growing disproportionately to the rest of her body until she hits the ceiling. Bill wraps Luna's tits around his cock and ejaculates in her face covering her in energy. Three hours later Luna shrinks back to normal size and realizes Bill has left so she goes to find help.

GLU032 Scene 10: Benton Chooses Sides (pg. 86-94)

Luna Masters radios out saying that Bill Riggs has gone rogue and then meets with Roger Benton who notifies Luna that Bill already approached him with a job offer. Benton explains that Bill thinks he and Benton are good pairs against batteries like Luna because they can supercharge her to cause an overload. Benton then reveals that he initially turned Bill down but then accepted when Bill offered him a signing bonus. Luna replies it wouldn't work since she's been reset but Benton starts growing and Luna realizes that the signing bonus was the original super soldier candy which Benton has already ingested, allowing him to fill her back up with energy. Benton tells Luna she needs to visit Alexander Dunn, stating that he and Bill need one more Hulk. Luna agrees on the terms that she receives the rest of the growth candy.

GLU032 Scene 11: Trap At Growth Lab Two (pg. 95-105)

Luna Masters finds Alexander Dunn and explains that Roger Benton and Bill Riggs are working together to make some kinds of super generator. Luna explains that she has to keep Alexander away from Bill and Benton and that Bill's motive is most likely to cause an outbreak so the government will remove Luna from the project and give control of it over to him. Luna then asks Alexander to accompany her to Growth Lab 2, one of the twelve current growth labs. Luna and Alexander arrive at Growth Lab 2 but Benton and Bill are already there. Benton and Bill persuade Luna to look at the work they have doing in the lab to find a cure but when she goes inside the main room they lock the door and Bill tells Luna her body will be the trigger for the next outbreak. Luna grows but then resets, much to her surprise.

GLU032 Scene 12: Bus Escape (pg. 106-113)

Alexander Dunn reveals to Luna Masters that he shut the machine off prematurely which is why she did not overload. Luna and Alexander grab the energy candy and head to the garage and board a bus. Roger Benton and Bill Riggs pursue them and Benton grows trying to grab the bus as it departs. Alexander starts to grow while driving the bus until he bursts out and Luna tries to run for it but she starts growing as well. Later, soldiers search the area finding Luna's tattered clothes and Luna makes her way to Ian Jonas and asks him to let her stay at his place to avoid being found.

GLU032 Scene 13: Ian Harbors Luna (pg. 113-117)

Luna Masters asks Ian Jonas to let her stay at his house while she hides from the government and he agrees. Ian is able to hack into the government network and find out that Bill is working on his own super soldier program. While investigating the file, Ian opens a file that just displays the word “grow” on the computer screen. Ian is unable to shut down the program and both him and Luna start to grow.

GLU032 Scene 14: Alt Luna Appears (pg. 118-121)

All of a sudden a person in a futuristic decom suit teleports into the room with Ian and Luna and decoms both of them. The figure orders Luna to come with them and takes off their helmet revealing themselves to be Luna Masters from an alternate reality (or Alt Luna Masters as she will be called from here on out). Alt Luna refers to Luna as Luna Masters of Universe 7501 and states she will be permanently decommed and absorbed for her reckless and careless dealing with the crystal energy. Alt Luna then disintegrates Luna right in front of Alexander Dunn.

GLU032 Scene 15: Alt Luna on the Intrepid (pg. 122-126)

Alt Luna Masters takes Alexander Dunn and teleports him to her ship the Intrepid for a full decom. Alexander is dragged off and Alt Luna is called to the council chambers. Alt Luna notices her clothes are a little tight as she changes into her uniform and during the meeting she notices herself growing and a voice starts speaking in her head. Alt Luna is notified that they are preparing to warp back to their own universe and after leaving the meeting tries to figure out how she got infected since the growth virus doesn't exist in her universe. Alt Luna then takes Roger Benton to an interrogation room.

GLU032 Scene 16: Luna Returns (pg. 126-134)

Alt Luna Masters is surprised to be growing and realizes she is starting to look like the regular Luna Masters. Alt Luna asks Roger Benton for more information on Luna explaining that she did not research her counterpart's history beyond the fact that she needed to be neutralized. Benton warns her that he's susceptible to growth but Alt Luna replies he has already been neutralized and reveals an energy crystal she found in Luna's lab. Benton explains how dangerous the crystal is and Alt Luna unknowingly says the trigger phrase in her response. Benton begins to grow and Alt Luna starts growing as well. Alt Luna keeps expanding until she morphs away and original Luna takes her place entirely. Luna asks Benton for help unlocking her energy from the Intrepid's holding tanks. and then Luna preps the ship's transporter to beam them back to earth.

GLU032 Scene 17: Escaping the Intrepid (pg. 134-147)

A ship approaches the Intrepid and they detect Luna Masters and Roger Benton transporting off the Intrepid and prepare to board. Captain Shreya (GLU032-135) orders the ship to land in the Intrepid hangar but they detect the escape beam-down and Shreya orders them to scan for Luna. Luna determines that Shreya, who is an old coworker of hers, is tracking her and Benton. Luna creates a dampening field to mask their presence and takes Benton to the Auxiliary Hangar. Luna and Benton get inside mech decom suits to mask their energy and turn the energy dampers on full. Luna states this is a temporary hiding spot and that once they get inside the earth's atmosphere the ship will jettison automatically. The ship enters the atmosphere and the hatches open but Shreya notices the drop suits preparing to launch and locks the doors. Luna states they need a distraction and deactivates the dampers in Benton's suit causing him to start growing. Benton bursts out of the suit and greets Shreya who has arrived in her own mech decom suit. Shreya decoms Benton and knocks him out then searches for Luna who is still hiding sealed in her mech decom armor. Shreya notices one of the decom units is sealed so she drops the shield and Luna continues growing until she bursts out of the mech and is detained and decomed.

GLU032 Scene 18: Luna's VR Trial (pg. 147-167)

Luna Masters is on trial in an investigation which Senator Robbins (GLU014-99) explains is to decide the fate of her science programs, place in the military, and money owed to cover damages. Bill Riggs brings up that Luna destroyed three inter-government facilities and two space stations and Luna angrily fires back that Bill was fucking her when he was infected. Senator Robbins asks Luna to keep her cool while in the chamber, confirming with Alexander Dunn that they are within normal range and then explaining that the entire interview is being done in safe VR Space while everyone's bodies are sealed in decom chambers. Roger Benton is called to the stand and Luna objects saying Benton shouldn't be allowed to testify. Benton goes on in his testimony to state that Luna seduced (or more so assaulted him) when they first met at Killian. Luna gets riled up and starts to grow and tells Benton to finish his story. Benton continues, discussing a story where Luna was asleep in his office on the floor. Alexander detects excess power flow to Luna's decom chamber and Bill tells him to reroute to all cells which Alexander understands will cause the rest of them to grow. Luna continues to grow in VR space and objects to Benton's claim she was on the floor stating she could never sleep face down with breasts her size. Senator Robbins asks Benton how Luna was positioned and he replies she was on her hands and knees. Luna starts to grow in the real world and Alexander works to reroute the power surges to the other decom chambers. The interview continues and Luna gets on the floor to show the position she was in with Benton and Senator Robbins joins her and asks Benton to show her how the interaction went. Benton places his hands on Senator Robbins and tells her to push and she complies, her breasts bursting out of her uniform. Luna's breasts start to burst out of her decom chamber in the real world and Senator Robbins butt starts growing in the VR Space. Luna continues to grow to an humongous size in VR space.

GLU032 Scene 19: Luna's VR Trial: Hannah and Bruce Get Involved (pg. 167-180)

Hannah Stromberg asks Bruce Banner how long Luna has been in VR Space. Bruce replies that the room was designed so that Luna Masters can only grow in VR Space, and adds that he can't even hulk out in that machine. Bruce and Hannah arrive and see Luna and Benton have grown out of their decom chambers but are still hooked into the VR Space. Hannah herself hooks into the VR Space to try and shut it down safely. Bruce looks at the system and notes the circuits are crossed into a feedback loop, that it is being held together by Luna and if she orgasms the energy will all unload. Bruce sets up the VR Space to reset the avatars when Hannah arrives and then slowly drain the system. Hannah arrives in the VR Space and Bruce tells her he needs three hours to remove the excess energy. Benton asks Luna for a rematch from their poker game to pass the time and Luna mocks him for losing to her last time. They start playing a game and Luna wins the first match and Benton states she must be cheating. The second game starts and Benton subconsciously grabs Luna's breasts in the real world to throw off her game in VR Space. Luna tugs at her breasts in VR Space and starts to undress to resituate herself. Benton starts to grow alongside Luna and Bruce decides to call for help.

GLU032 Scene 20: Luna's VR Trial: Bruce Brings in Liz (pg. 181-189)

Bruce Banner calls Liz (GLU032-181) to come to the lab stating the VR Sim she wrote isn't handling the job. Liz arrives and accuses Bruce for letting so many volatiles in the same VR Decom. Bruce replies the software is rated for Class 12 but Liz replies it doesn't matter if Luna Masters is there. Liz gets in the software and the display states there will be a surge in ten minutes and suggests executing gamma protocol. Bruce gets in the VR Space and finds Hannah Stromberg unconscious. Energy surges begin and Bruce starts to grow. Bruce finds Luna in VR Space and wakes her up and asks Liz to bring them out. Liz states Luna can't be decommed normally so she calls in Jean Grey to set up a containment field. Jean Grey successfully sets up the field and they successfully bring Luna and Bruce back along with Roger Benton, Alexander Dunn, and Bill Riggs.

GLU032 Scene 21: Jean Grey Tries to Decom Luna (pg. 189-196)

Luna Masters asks Jean Grey to give her a full decom and the results are that Luna is on the edge of growing and without Jean's mental blocks she would be doing so right now. Luna has an idea to use Bruce Banner (The Hulk)'s Gamma Chamber, Jean states Bruce would never approve but Luna states she can run it herself. They get situated and turn on the gamma wave while Jean uses her telepathy to control Luna's energy. Alexander Dunn approaches Banner's lab looking for gamma crystals for Dr. Susan Lee Hughes and enters just as Luna and Jean Grey begin to grow. Luna yells at Alexander to leave the room and lock it down but Roger Benton arrives and both he and Alexander start growing but it is localized to just their cocks so they try to walk out and leave the area.

GLU032 Scene 22: Professor X Tries to Help (pg. 197-196)

Elizabeth Betsy Braddock (Psylocke) arrives and tells Roger Benton to come with her to let Luna Masters finish the procedure with Jean Grey. Later Luna, Roger Benton, and Alexander Dunn travel in the X-Men Blackbird to the X-Mansion where Charles Xavier (Professor X) wants to see them to place mental restraints in order to help them control the energy. At the X-Mansion Luna volunteers to go first and Professor X explores her mind, detecting accurately Luna's desire to grow. Moving on to Alexander, Professor X realizes that Luna encourages Alexander. Lastly Professor X scans Benton and realizes that they are all too dangerous and calls Psylocke to speak with him in private. Psylocke notices Professor X has shut off his mind to her and notices something in his lap under a blanket wrap as Professor X states he will return in a moment with the solution. Professor X starts growing stating that it feels good and Psylocke runs out of the room and shuts the door on him. Benton and Alexander ask Psylocke if everything is ok and she states everything is fine but starts growing and then eggs Benton on to start growing. Luna and Jean Grey notice Psylocke growing and Jean Grey follows suit. Professor X starts having sex with Psylocke and Benton joins in and they all unload. Luna, who managed to not grow, and Jean Grey prepare to leave in the X-Men Blackbird.

afternoon_off_glu032.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/26 12:39 by hugo

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